27th November - 26th December 2015
The death is so outdated and fall behind. But the more you breathe, the less confident you have.
(First Part)
“I’m not sure if this is the inspiration for this artwork, but its the thing that makes me think and feels that I wanna do more about it”
In the past few years I have to spend most of my days in the hospital or even sit and stay awake untill the dawn for two period of time. First period was at the Cancer Institution in Udonthani for half month and one more period at the Phu Luang hotel of Loey province. Both times are just for visiting the family member and also the first chance to return their favor by taking them to shower and clean their wastes.
In the middle of the darkness in the hospital, I’m so free that I can see every shade and shadows, all the blinking lights, and them quiet sounds; it’s so empty and leads me to think of the commonwealth.
I’m getting used to the lost, I can handle it very well. Staying alive for a while is one of the success things in life, but the most emotional feelings is to look at the suffering eyes of the ones you love the most. The longer we live, the more experiences like this we have to face. But I still wonder why I have to be frustrated all the time when my family calls?
พันธุกรรม (HEREDITY), 2014
Oil on canvas,
140x170 cm.
กรรมพันธุ์ (HEREDITY 2), 2013
Oil on canvas,
150x180 cm.
คิดถึงมาก (MISS YOU SO MUCH), 2015
Oil on canvas,
85x100 cm.
เตียงศิลปิน (ARTIST'S BED), 2013
Oil on canvas,
150x180 cm.
สงสาร (PIETA), 2014
Oil on canvas,
140x180 cm.
สงสาร 2 (PIETA 2), 2015
Oil on canvas,
160x160 cm.